Monday 4 March 2013

Research for Poster

I have created a few titles for my film poster which I could possibly use, on my poster I am thinking of using the red text as I find it effective and I have found it on most film posters of the genre which my film trailer is. These are just some rough drafts of some texts I could possibly use:

I got the idea of this type of text from the following posters which have inspired me to have the same type of text as I believe that the red text looks very effective on a film poster:

As an alternative I have thought of maybe using white text for the film title if I believe that during the process of making the film poster I find that red doesnt suit my poster, then I will use the colour white as a replacement, I have made a few titles in white just in case I may use them as a 2nd option, below are some texts in white which I have just made, these are just some rough drafts of some texts I could possibly use:

I have developed the idea of using white text as a back up as some professional posters look effective using white text aswell, here is an example:

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