Tuesday 19 March 2013

Final draft of film poster with class analysis

I have completed my final written draft of my film poster, and here it is, I have asked for feedback off of classmates from this and I will meantion these comments below.

Class Analysis and key points to take from this poster:
- The film title suggests that someone is being deprived of something or someone which is in the image of the eye.
- The main image of the eye suggests that somebody is being watched
- No main film stars on the poster other than in the billing block
- The figure/person in the eye leaves questions as who is watching who and why is the person being watched, it creates a creative code of enigma
- The date is placed in a conventional place.
- Red on the poster is very effective as it is mostly associated as a scary color
- The poster emplys the iconography of a thriller or horror.

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