Thursday 21 March 2013

Plan for the next hour editing my film poster

Below is a list of things I am hoping to achieve in the next hour session of editing my film poster:

  • Place a copyright logo at the bottom of the page to give it a professional edge.
  • Make the billing block smaller as I believe it takes up too much of the page as I want the main focus to be of the main image.
  • Maybe change the font of the website as I believe I can make it look more professional if I use a different font.
  • Maybe changing the font of the film title to the one which we have used in the trailer as a group, I am considering doing this as most big films stick to one recognisable font. I also believe that my current font may seem to look more of a graffiti style instead of a scratchy style, I may ask a few people in my target audience their views on it before I change it.
  • Maybe add a Unique Selling Point (USP) to the poster, this may just be the directors name on the poster or the main actor/actors as not a lot is given away with the image of an eye. 

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