Tuesday 5 March 2013

First Drafts of Film Poster

I have created a rough draft of what I want my poster to look like, I have gained some feedback on both of these posters and I am going to post a final draft in the coming days.

I like the idea of the eye being focussed on in a film poster, this is what I wanted to show in mine,  the eye shows not only emotional fear of the character to the audience but it also makes us feel as though we are inside the persons head whos eye it is, almost as if we can see exactly what they are seeing, however I need to give the tag line some thought and I hope to add film stars names to the poster to make it look like more professional. As a group we are in the process of creating the billing block. I have also come to a decision to change the position of the release date, I tried going against the conventional position at which it is normally placed down the bottom of the page, I thought I would challenege this, but instead I have decided it will look more professional once placed at the bottom of the page in my final draft.

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