Sunday 7 October 2012

What is a film trailer and what is its function?

What is a film trailer?
A film trailer is an advertisement for an upcoming film which is about to be released in cinemas. It's used as a promotional device which only gives viewers a short taste of what the film will be like, this is why film producers pick the most interesting scenes to put into the film trailer so the target audience feel encouraged to watch the film. It is an effective promotional device as film trailers are easily accessible on the internet e.g. Youtube, they are also screened on televisions during commercial breaks between shows.

What is a film trailers function?
The function of a film trailer is to reveal the unique selling points to the target audience, this means showing the audience the cast and directors which feature in a film. These unique selling points will encourage the audience to watch the film in the cinemas or to buy it on dvd/ blu-ray

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