Monday 22 October 2012

First draft of my individual film synopsis

GENRE: Thriller/Horror

Research: Silent House, Hide and Seek
Target audience: both male and female, ages 15-35
“Ready or not, here I come!” I shout, sprinting down the staircase of our new house,  I duck under the stairs to find my older brother Dan hiding behind a box of ornaments “Found you!” I giggle, as he jumps up. “Round two?” he asks, just as mum and dad come through the door. “what you doing kids?” Dad questions,
“ hide and seek,” I grin, “ Its Dan’s turn on!”
Mum sighs, “Dan, come into the kitchen a second, help me unpack the shopping?”
“Sure” Dan says unwillingly.
“ Dan, cant you do something that’s a little more for your age? You’re 17 now, why don’t you take her to the park?” dad pleads, unpacking the last bag from the counter.
“But Jane likes hide and seek..”
“ She may do Dan, but you need to grow up,  Jane will in a few years too, just try cut down the amount of times you play, yeah kiddo?”
“ Sure dad” Dan mumbles.
I sprint upstairs from behind the kitchen door, so Dan doesn’t see I’ve been listening, its too late,  Dan’s chasing me into my bedroom, slamming the door with anger. “I’ve told you to many times now Jane, this will be one time too much!” He growls, lying with his back against the door.
“ I’m sorry, you know I don’t like playing hide and seek with you!”
“ Why not?” a grin spreading across his face, “fancy going down the park to play?”
“No don’t take me to the park, I’ll play!”
“Good” Dan murmurs “my turn. One, two..” I jump off the bed and run along the landing, and find myself  in Dan’s cupboard. Seconds later, the doors are flung open,  I find Dan yanking me from the cupboard, “ You could of found a better place than that!” he snarls.
“Okay.. I’m sorry Dan” I stutter, and hurry downstairs into my parents view. Its 7 o’ clock on the clock in the kitchen, and I feel my belly rumble and forget that I haven‘t had tea. “ Mum?” I call, and she emerges from the living room wearing a red dress, my dad follows in a suit. “ Are we going out?” I say excitedly.
“No, me and your dad are going for a meal. We’ve left some money on the side for you and Dan to have a takeaway, we’d best be off. Have fun!” She hurries out of the door, dragging dad with her. As the door slams, it dawns on me that I’m alone with Dan
“Dan?” I call shakily. He comes down the stairs, acting as if nothing had just happened.
“Money on the side for a Take-away?”
“Yes.. Mum left it for us..” I reply shakily. He picks up the house phone and calls the take-away and orders our pizza’s. “The pizza will be here in 10 minutes Jane, that leaves us enough time for one more game of hide and seek, want a game?”
“Okay, I’ll be on this time, One, two..” “Come out, come out, wherever you are” I slowly walk up the stairs, praying Dan won‘t hear me. I’ve reached the top, outside my brothers room, fingertips away from the handle.. DING DONG! Dan shouts “Pizza’s here!”. I slowly stroll down the stairs.. Dan is talking to the pizza boy, so I stood next to him. I’m gazing at his nametag and say “Hey Jerry.”
“What you guys been doing?” replied Jerry. I look up at Dan, he slowly smirks, I reply “playing hide and seek”, a bright smile came to Jerry’s face,
“I used to love that game, enjoy your pizza.” and he swiftly left.
Dan is quiet, he seems to have changed, I have no clue why. I didn’t ask as I’m too hungry to delay eating this pizza! Just finished the pizza and Dan has asked me to finish off our game of hide and seek, he’s on this time. Dan’s counting so I scurried off hiding behind his blinds, I see him, he cant see me.. “Come out, come out wherever you are!” This doesn’t sound like a familiar voice.. I recognise it from somewhere but I can’t think where. I hear footsteps downstairs and upstairs, something isn’t right, I hear a sudden drop, like somebody had fallen over. I scurried to find my brother on the landing, covered in blood. So many things are in my head.. HOW. WHY. WHEN. I glance, a couple of yards away, there’s  Jerry’s name tag covered in blood. I ran into my room where Dan was counting before. There was a figure, exactly where Dan was, he turns around, it’s Jerry, he has the wildest look , he covers his bloody hands over his eyes, started counting to 10 silently. I’m scurrying down the stairs, the door’s locked, there’s no way out. Each number Jerry is counting up is echoing in my head. I’ve just dived under my table surrounded in cloth and I hear the dreading number “TEN! Come out, come out wherever you are!” He’s found me breathing heavily already! Chasing me around the house, he has me cornered, I scream “What do you want?!”
“I just want to play.. I just want to play” Jerry replies and breaks down in front of me. I am shaking with fear, the knife is still in his hand, he lifts his head up swiftly and I stare in his unforgiving eyes as he puts the knife straight through me saying “Game Over.”

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