Monday 29 October 2012

Second draft of my individual plot synopsis

GENRE: Thriller/Horror

Research: Silent House, Hide and Seek
Target audience: both male and female, ages 15-35
A fun-loving 8 year old girl named Jane has just recently moved into her grandmothers old home after her death. She has a 17 year old brother named Dan suffers from schizophrenia, he is protective of Jane, however he is perceived to be the key to plot at the start of the story. As Dan suffers from schizophrenia he lashes out on Jane frequently without realising what he is doing. He enjoys playing hide and seek with Jane because it’s a game which likes playing when he is in a playful mood, but she despises playing with him when he has his delusions, he tends to play with Jane whenever her parents are out as they want him to play more productive games with Jane. Jane is scared of Dan because she doesn’t understand that he suffers from schizophrenia, she just sees him acting differently and wonders why he does it.
One night Dan & Jane’s parents are going to their uncles charity function and they leave some money for Jane and Dan to get a takeaway. Jane orders the take-away as Dan comes down the stairs and he demands a game of hide and seek, this instantly frightens her. He begins to count without an answer and Jane hurries off, halfway through the game the door bell rings and the delivery guy (Jerry) is there, Jerry also suffers from schizophrenia but it is undiagnosed at this point. Dan goes to the door and exchanges a strange conversation with the delivery man about what he’s doing (hide & seek).
Later on, the game is still carrying on and Jane hears the front door slam and an unfamiliar voice shout ‘Come out, Come out wherever you are’. She stays put hiding from her brother a few minutes later Dan stumbles into Jane’s room telling her to keep still and not to move, Jane doesn’t trust him as she thinks he is deluded, so frightened Jane goes running down the stairs and comes face-to-face with the delivery man, he is armed with a 8 inch butchers knife covered in her brothers blood. He doesn’t say a word but has the wildest look in his eyes which he covers with the butchers knife and starts to count to ten, taking one step towards Jane with every number he counts. Jane realises this is no ordinary game of hide and seek and freezes not knowing what to do. She turns around yards away from the delivery man and sprints back up to her room to hear a now familiar voice shout ‘Ready or not here I come’.
A chase occurs around the house involving Jane, Dan and the Delivery man. She bumps into her brother along the way, he feeds her advice on what to do, she ignores him again and runs out. Jane feels stranded not being able to trust the delivery man or her brother. Jane comes across an idea and creeps her way downstairs to find Dan heaped under the stairs dead where she had been hiding earlier in the day. The now familiar voice echo’s from upstairs ‘come out, come out wherever you are’. Jane panics and grabs the phonebook looking for her fathers number whilst she can hear cupboards being rattled upstairs. She dials the number, sobbing down the phone, listening to each footstep on the staircase. She explains to her dad that Dan is dead and there’s a killer in the house, her dad asks her to stay on the phone, at this point he emerges from the doorway to stand in front of Jane, the lights of her parents car are evident through the window. Jane drops the phone in fright as he stares into her eyes and says ’Game Over’ as he lunges at her with the knife as she can still hear her fathers voice screaming down the receiver. Jerry then realises what he has done, in a fright he drops the knife by her feet and swiftly leaves the house to be met by the dad, Jerry doesn’t realise what he has just done, gets arrested and prescribed to a mental health institution.

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