Sunday 7 October 2012

Looper Trailer Analysis

 The genre of this film is an action sci-fi film, the audience is able to identify this around 30 seconds in, where there is an establishing shot of a city, this city appears to be more developed and advanced compared to a modern city. The main factor which establishes this as a sci-fi film is the quote ‘I don’t want to talk about time travel’. This suggests that the film is going to involve time travel; therefore we can predict that this is going to be a sci-fi film.
This trailer suggests that the target audience could vary from 15 years old to possibly 30 years old and predominantly male. The main reason for this is due to the genre, sci-fi generally attract a male audience, this target audience of this film I believe is 30, even though Bruce Willis being the main actor is a USP, he is older than 30, he has been an iconic figure in action films which target a young audience, therefore the audience will be able to relate to the character. The main characters age in this film seems to be around the age of 30 as well. I believe that the target audience could go down to 15 is because the film certificate for this film is 15, and as I am aged 17, I would be interested in going to watch this film.
This film trailer lasts 2 minutes and 30 seconds and a montage of around 86 camera shots all edited together. Fast-paced editing is used throughout the trailer by the use of quick cuts, as well as fade to white and fade to black for numerous shots. An example of where this occurred in the trailer was during the conversation whilst the 2 characters were sat at the table.
There is use of diegetic sound in the trailer by the use of dialogue of voiceovers and conversations, these two types of dialogue are used to explain the narrative to the audience. I believe the most important piece of dialogue in this trailer are the words “In the future time travel is outlawed, used only in secret and by the largest criminal organisations. When they need someone gone, and want to erase any trace of the target ever existing, they use specialised assassins like me, called loopers.” This quote gives us as an audience information about the plot and informs us what the main character will be focusing on, this voiceover is spoken as a point of view.
There was non-diegetic sound uses in this trailer through the use of music and sound effects. The non-diegetic sound helped set the mood of this trailer. There are mysterious sounds throughout this trailer. These sounds help identify the genre as a sci-fi and also help present the intensity of the trailer, the high paced editing looks more effective because the sounds get louder and more consistent as the speed picks up. There is a ticking sound effect which is being used throughout the trailer, this brings the idea that there is a race against time.
The trailer represents characters effectively as the two main characters are the same person from 2 different time periods. On character is quite young and one is old. Even though they are the same person, the older man is presented as smart, experienced and wise as for the young man is seen as energetic. Stereotypically the older character will be more experienced and wise. There is an evident relationship between these two characters due to the older character knowing everything about the younger.
There is a use of titles in this trailer and are shown is “The only thing to fear, is yourself”. This is a way of communicating with the audience and they are telling the audience that they should be wary and fear the older man. This creates a code of enigma.
The mise-en-scene is constructed by a variety of establishing shots which give a sense of location, for example; the establishing shot of the developed city, gives us an idea of the time period of the ‘future’.
There are many codes and conventions which emphasise that this film is a sci-fi. The trailer stereotypically includes a fight scene, includes weapons to emphasise that there is action to interest more males, an establishing shot of the futuristic environment. There is a code of enigma created by one of the characters acting mysterious, voice-overs to explain the films narrative, slow motion in action scenes to add intensity to the shots.

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