Tuesday 9 October 2012

Generic conventions of a psychological thriller

Mise en scene
psychological thrillers are normally set in an isolated area, this is done as there is no communication for people to help the characters so they feel stranded and have to face everything by themselves. Most things tend to be a dark and gloomy setting so we as an audience are unable to identify who or where the characters are this creates a code of enigma.

Normally teenagers aged 18-25 years old. Stereotypically, there are two main characters in a thriller, usually mixed genders. The male characters tend to stand up to any danger to protect the female character. The villains are usually male which tend to be intelligent as they can read what the victims are going to do and kill the other characters off in disturbing ways.

In scenes many music effects are used, once main scenes reach climax in a psychological thriller there is a low toned dramatic beat, it is meant to represent the audiences heart beat which is racing as they don't know what is about to happen. Instruments which are used most frequently are string instruments such as the piano and violins which tend to create a cold effect on the film.

Themes of a psychological thriller
The themes which are used in a psychological thriller are designed to make the audience feel uncomfortable, scared and disturbed. They do this by basing the story on what societies common fears to make the film seem more realistic e.g. kidnapping stalking. In most psychologcial theillers we get to see the victims point of view so we feel how they feel and we go through the story with them.

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