Friday 19 April 2013

Results from questionnaires

I have created a questionnaire based on the ideas for a film magazine and have handed it out to nine members of my focus group to ask what they would like and would they think would make a good film magazine. I am going to consider their responses whilst creating my magazine front cover as I will have an idea of what my target audience want to see/read.

The first question I asked on my questionnaire was “What age group are you in ….” I had six responses saying that they were aged between 18-21, two responses saying they were aged between 16-17, no responses from anyone aged 11-15 or 27+ and one aged 22-26, this suggested to me that I would be aiming my magazine at young adults between the age range of 16-26, just like my film trailer.

The second question which I asked on my questionnaire was “Which gender are you?”, I asked this question to make sure I realised what the males wanted on a magazine and what the females want on a magazine, but from the results of the questionnaire, it seems they have very similar opinions. I had six responses from males and three responses saying that they were female.

The third question which I asked on my questionnaire was 'Which of the following articles would you be more interested in reading? (tick two)' I had 5 responses saying that they would be interested in Reading film reviews, I had three responses for actor interviews and tickets to an opening premiere. I had two responses for the latest films released and behind the scenes shots/interviews and one response for a look at the latest award winning films.

The fourth question which I asked on my questionnaire was 'Which title for the magazine (masthead) do you prefer?' I had mixed responses from this question, mainly from only two options, Motion had four responses and Spotlight had three responses, some of the people attending the focus group also recommended some of their own for me, for example Action and Spotlight. I will not consider which masthead I will use for my film magazine.Screen, Audition and broadcast had no responses.

The fifth question which I asked on my questionnaire was 'Which slogan do you prefer?' I had a lot of responses for Lights, Camera.. Action at six responses, getting behind the scenes had two responses and the film guidebook had one response. Get all the latest film info had no responses.

The sixth question which I asked on my questionnaire was 'Which colours should the magazine be? (choose three)' White and black were very popular responses having nine votes each, so everyone voted white and black as 2/3 main colours to be used. Red had six responses and blue had two responses, one of the participants in this questionnaire also came up with an answer for me, they came up with the colour yellow to be used, I will consider their responses once creating my film magazine.

The seventh question which I asked on my questionnaire was 'Would you buy a film magazine?' I had 7 responses saying yes that they would buy a film magazine, and for those who said that they wouldn't buy the film magazine, I asked them why on the question, both responses stated that they wouldn't buy the magazine as it is only based on one subject and they prefer to read something which gives information about a variety of subjects.

The eighth question which I asked on my questionnaire was 'How much would you pay for a film magazine?' I had mixed responses from this question which I asked, a majority of options were chosen. two people said they would pay between £1.00-£1.50 for a film magazine, three people said that they would pay between £1.50-£2.00 and £2.00-£2.50 for a film magazine, one person said they would pay between £2.50-£3.00 and nobody said they would pay more than £4.00

The ninth question which I asked on my questionnaire was 'What would you prefer to see on the front cover?' The most popular response was that they wanted to see the character which they re playing in a hit movie (for example Emily from my film), that had 7 responses and there wasn't many people who would prefer to see the actor themselves in smart attire as there was only 2 responses for that option.

Overall this questionnaire has helped me come to important decisions which my magazine will have. I have no got ideas on what my target audience like and dislike, I have took in their opinions and will consider them whilst making decisions for my film magazine, for example with the masthead, over the next two days I will make a decision weather to use the masthead Motion or Spotlight. Every single question has helped me gather information which is key to creating a successful film magazine. I am now going to look at more professional magazines and think of which codes and conventions I can display in my own film magazine.

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