Sunday 21 April 2013

Reflection from the focus group

As a group, we conducted the focus group on Thursday from 1:30pm-2:10pm, I think that it was a great success, the group have us important information about our trailer, and our individual tasks which would help us improve them. Not only were they giving feedback, but they were also praising our productions, this has gave me personally a big confidence boost into making my film magazine. The group agreed with the genre of the film and also gathered what the average target audience would be. We gathered our information by documenting the session (which I will upload soon) with a film camera, we also handed out a questionnaire for the film trailer to get some written feedback. The groups opinion on who the killer was mixed, the red herring which we had put into the trailer had worked as none of them guessed that Emily was the killer, all of the people in our focus group said that they would go and watch this film in the cinema due to its storyline. I will be posting the video response with an evaluation soon of the film promotional package soon.

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