Sunday 14 April 2013

Analysis of My Movie Poster

The film title of this film which is being advertised is 'Deprived'. This film title suggests that somebody has been deprived of something, it is suggested from the image that the shadow is the one being deprived.
The main image is of an eye which is looking terrified with a shadowed figure inside the pupil of the eye. This can give two different stories,  it can seem that there is a reflection of the figure on the eye, or it can seem that there is someone trying to plead out for help from inside the eye. These two interpretations of this picture can spin off ideas of two different plots. 
The image is a multi-layered image and raises questions about the plot of the film, weather it may be the person who's eye it is which is unstable with a split personality, or it may be them being frightened for their life by looking at someone else, this creates a code of enigma as we don't know who/what the figure represents. The film stars are Lucy Shaw and Garin Price, their names are not very prominent on the poster, but this may be because they are not very well known actors which is conventional for a psychological thriller.
The film poster does employ iconography of a psychological thriller with the main image being the eye, it makes the audience wonder weather the problem with this shadowed figure is inside their head, or weather they are seeing this shadowed figure first hand, the colors also employ iconography, as white and red are commonly used colors for text on a psychological film poster, the red writing usually represents fear and/or blood.
There are no main actors shown evidently, as we as an audience cannot identify who the shadowed figure is, and we have no idea who's eye it is, we presume it's a female's eye as the actor has eye-make up on. But from the image we can tell that the eye looks frightened, due to the size of the pupil. This can be seen in a positive way, as it gives no clues away to who is going to be behind the attacks which take place in the film.
The film poster does carry a movie tag-line, this is 'You can run, but you can't hide', this is usually linked to the childhood game of hide and seek, this could bring brief explanation to the image, she could be the one hiding, or the shadowed image could be the person looking for 'her'. This could also have another meaning of how there will be no escape for the victims in this film.
The films credits are carried in the billing block which is conventionally based at the bottom of the film poster, the producers and directors are not very well known, this may be why their names are not bigger on the poster and left in the billing block. The credits also has a website where the audience can get more information about the film and maybe extras, this website is ''. This could maybe be a hint that the producers are aiming their film at technophiles which are usually a younger target audience, as they are offering them to look up the trailer online for further information.
The films USP is the there are no poplar actors, this goes with the codes and conventions of a psychological thriller, as no acting personalities can be shown, this will make the films story-line less predictable. Another USP is that we cannot identify who the killer is in this picture, this creates a code of enigma and may help sell the film as 'gossip' could be formed online as people may be discussing who they think the killer could be.

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