Thursday 28 February 2013

Diary of Filming - Shoot 2

15/02/2013: The filming shoot was between 2pm and 6pm. Due to the availability of Amy and Tom, we decided to film their shots as we were not sure when they would next be available to film. We filmed 6 shots all together, I believe that the shoot was a success as we learnt which lighting would bring out the best effects with the camera and we completed all of hte shots which we had planned to that day.

Diary of Fiming - Shoot 1

11/02/2013: The filming shoot was from 3pm-6:30pm. As a group we filmed the 6 opening shots. The characters which were on the shoot were Jack, Lauren and Emily. The shoot lasted around 3 hours, I believe it took this long as we needed to get used to the camera and realise which angles would work and which ones wouldnt, this helped us as now to prepare for the next shoot, we can take on what we have learnt from this shoot and apply it to the next one.

Diary of filming

Throughout the course which we are filming, I am going to blog everytime we do a shoot and analyse on how it went. I will be posting about this in the near future.

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Characters inclusion in shots

As a group we have analysed the story board and took note of who is in each shot, this made the process of creating a filming schedule a lot easier as we could realise who is needed at specific times and who was not needed.

Lucy’s character Emily is needed for:

·         Shot 2

·         Shot 4

·         Shot 5

·         Shot 6

·         Shot 7

·         Shot 8

·         Shot 9

·         Shot 10

·         Shot 12

·         Shot 14

·         Shot 18 

·         Shot 19

·         Shot 21

·         Shot 22

·         Shot 25 

·         Shot 26

·         Shot 27

·         Shot 33

·         Shot 38


Garin character Jack is needed for:

·         Shot 2

·         Shot 3

·         Shot 4

·         Shot 6

·         Shot 7

·         Shot 8

·         Shot 9

·         Shot 10

·         Shot 11

·         Shot 13

·         Shot 16 

·         Shot 17

·         Shot 18

·         Shot 22

·         Shot 23

·         Shot 28

·         Shot 31

·         Shot 34


Lauren’s character is needed for:

·         Shot 9

·         Shot 10

·         Shot 18

·         Shot 31

·         Shot 32

·         Shot 33

   Amy’s character is needed for:

·         Shot 18

·         Shot 29

·         Shot 32


 Tom’s character is needed for:

·         Shot 18

·         Shot 34

·         Shot 36

Mum’s character is needed for:

·         Shot 2

·         Shot 4

·         Shot 15

·         Shot 16


Dad’s character is needed for:

·         Shot 11

·         Shot 13

·         Shot 14

·         Shot 21

·         Shot 22

·         Shot 23

Groups Filming Schedule

As a group we have decided which times actors will be available and when eachother will be needed for each shoot, as we have finalised our filming schedule, each person involved with the filming has recieved a copy to know when they are needed. The film schedule is:

Monday 11th Feb- Evening Shoot
Shots; 2-10.

Characters needed:
·         Mum
·         Jack
·          Emily
·          Lauren
 (Setting the equilibrium)

Tuesday 12th Feb- Evening Shoot
Shots; 11-19.
Characters needed:
·         Dad
·          Jack
·         Emily
·          Mum
·          Tom
·         Amy
·          Lauren

Friday 14th Feb- Afternoon/ Evening Shoot
Shots; 21-38
Characters needed:
·         Emily
·         Jack
·         Amy
·         Lauren
·         Tom
(Final scenes shot)

New storyboard for fiming

We will bring the storyboard for each shoot so filming shots will take place at a muich quicker rate. For some of the shots, we may realise that the angle we have used on this storyboard doesn't work or isnt as effective as another shot, I will post any changes in shots which take place on here if that is the case.

Billing block roles

As a group we have come up with specific roles which will be used in our billing block, we have generated these ideas from professional film posters which include a billing block. The roles which we will have one each of our posters will be:
  • Skirrid Creation presents.
  • A 'producers name' production.
  • A 'film writers' film.
  • Lead actor 1.
  • Lead actor 2.
  • 'Deprived'.
  • Actor 3, 4, 5.
  • Music by.
  • Film editor.
  • Production designer.
  • Casting by.
  • Written by.
  • Costume designer.
  • Make-Up artist.
  • Executive producer.
  • Produced by.
  • Screenplay by.
  • Directed by.
As a group we will decide which names will be given to each role, I will create a post with roles and names at a later date once they have been decided.

Possible Website

As a group we have done some research on film websites and we have come up with two of our own. We will decide weather to use the website or I will post which one we are using at a later date.

Billing block research

I have looked at all of these billing blocks it has given me a good idea of what I would like mine to look like, they are all layed out in near enough the same way with similar texts used in each of them. I am going to use the ideas and layout of these billing blocks to create my own. The colour scheme which I believe I will use in my billing block is white and red for my text on a black background; I believe that if I use these billing blocks to compare to mine throughout the process of making them then I will produce a realistic and conventional billing block for my specific genre.

Film poster research

I have done some research on what posters look effective, and what works aswell as what doesnt, I have based my first draft of my poster on this type of shot looking into the eye of someone, it makes the audience realise what someone is seeing. I will be uploading a post of it at a later date

Changes to the new plot

As a group, we have sat down and understood where we could have improved on our anamatic, from this we have discovered that changes need to take place with our plot, here are the ideas which we as a group have come up with:

  • First shot is of the mum, Jack and Emily sat around the dinner table sat around playing a game and joking around (seems to be an average single parent family
·         Close up of Jacks saying “yes, I won a hotel!"
·         Over the shoulder of the mums face as she says “Oh that reminds I’m going on a spa weekend next week, so you’ll have to stay and look after Emily.” They respond with “Ok”
·         Cut to a close-up shot of Emily’s eye looking out of the shadows, she is cowering under the stairs, her eye suggests that she is frightened.
·         Jump cuts to a shot of Jacks arm reaching round the stairs, Emily cowers further in.
·         He then jumps out saying “Found you!”
·         She leaps into his arms and clings onto him in a strange way, she sharply exhales to show that she is relieved.
·         Fades into the living room where Emily is stroking/holding Jacks jumper (leaning against each other in a comforting and protective way)
·         His girlfriend enters the living room and as Jack gets up to give her a hug, Emily grabs hold of his Jumper.
·         When he says “Let go Emily” she reluctantly releases before looking away sad.
·         Cuts to a shot of Jack stood by the door, you can hear a drunken man outside loudly, before Jack says “Not again Dad!”
·         Cuts to a shot of Emily stood in the doorway saying “Jack who’s there?”
·         The Dad recognises her voice and shots out Emily with anger laced in his tone.
·         Her face changes to frightened as Jack says “Go” she runs and hides in her usual spot under the stairs.
·         You hear shouting from the drunken dad before he screams, “I’ll be back for you two!” and smashes a bottle
·         Emily cries under the stairs
·         Cuts to when the mum leaves to go on the spa weekend
·         Jack invites his friends around. 
·         Emily suggests playing hide and seek
·         As Emily is counting it cuts to a flash back where she is cowering and pleading for her dad to stop
·         Jack heroically steps in and says “Stop dad!”
·         As she is counting down there are a variety of different shots.
·         Flash shots of:
§  Emily looking around
§  Mirror/shadows shown
§  Door slamming behind Emily, Jack is frantically trying to get in.
§  Running scene of Amy running up the stairs.
§  Lauren and Jack stood in the kitchen behind the table as the lights flicker off
§  Lauren finds Amy strangled in a room.
§  Two shot of Jack and Tom hiding under the table, Jack says to “shh” as they hear a loud bang.
§  Dragging shot of Tom (extreme close-up of his hands)
·         Final shot is a medium close up of Emily crying as she’s rubbing her neck, she has the same strangled marks as Amy had (unclear whether it is present time or a flashback.)