Monday 19 November 2012

Changes to the film trailer

·         As a group we have decided to change the main characters name from ‘Garin’ to ‘Jack’. We did this as we believed that Garin is not a very stereotypical name and Jack would fit in better with the plot, it also sounds a much more suitable name for the character
·         As a group we have also decided to cut out a few key scenes which may give away too much about the film plot. We did this with two of the three scenes as we wanted to create more of a code of enigma with the audience wondering who is going to survive/die in the film.
·         We came up of a film title as a group, we came up with ‘Deprived’, we thought that this would be a very relevant and suitable name as it is exactly how Emily feels in our film. She feels deprived of her brother’s attention.
·         We added a lot more shots of Emily being possessed; we added ones which would emphasise that she was jealous and possessed. We thought that this would help the audience see and understand how she feels.

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